Oh la la, comme j'ai hésité, réfléchi, tout retourné 50 fois dans ma tête... j'ai même commencé à reporter les pièces d'un patron hier soir, mais faire des changements à cause de la taille super-fine d'Elise... ça me paraissait risqué. Je ne voulais pas faire un essai hasardeux et gâcher le tissu qu'on a trouvé à Strasbourg (je voulais faire un post...), dont il restait juste ce qu'il faut, et qu'on a eu à prix réduit (il restait 1.20 mètres en fin de rouleau, et le vendeur nous a fait payer un mètre seulement). Les 6 mètres de dentelles, par contre, on coûté le double, mais bon, ça fait vraiment joli.
Oh man, how I hesitated, and thought it over, and turned my plans around 50 times in my head... I had even started to copy some pieces of a pattern yesterday night, but altering it because of Elise's super slim waist seemed too risky. I didn't want to try an unconvinced something and ruin the nice fabric we had found in Strasbourg (I had meant to post about it...), of which there was exactly the right amount left at the end of the bolt (1.20 meters left that the salesperson left us for the price of 1 meter !!). It's the 6 meters of lace that cost the most (a little more than twice the price of the fabric !), but well, it's really lovely.

I made a research, and I found this, which is exactly adapted to the situation ! it did require some calculations anyway, which was kind of a pain for me and gave me a headache, but then I drew a pattern - but I was scared it would be too narrow and Elise wouldn't be able to sit or walk in her skirt !

First ruffle is done... it takes a lot of precision to sew this lace on, straight and all !

La suite au prochain épisode.
So this is what we've got for now : a skirt, of a convenient width (thank Goodness !) but the waist seems way too big (we'll put an elastic) and three ruffles that have to be gathered and sewn on the skirt. To be continued.
1 commentaire:
allez hop au boulot!!!
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