vendredi 20 juin 2008

Ordi cassé /broken computer

Eh oui, je vous écris vite de chez quelqu'un, notre ordi ne démarre plus et en ce moment on a plein de trucs ; fermeture de classe à l'école des filles et organisation pour essayer de l'empêcher... je ne sais pas quand je pourrai revenir, j'espère bientôt !

Well it was bound to happen, I'm writing quickly from somebody else's place, our computer won't start and we're in a middle of a crisis and have lots of things one of them being a classroom shutting down and we're trying to get organised to prevent it from happening. I don't know when I can be back but I hope soon !

1 commentaire:

Days and colors a dit…

Hope everything will be fine with your computer, we are all definetely depending on computers!!!
Have a nice week though!