mardi 17 mars 2015


Après un drôle de début d'année, et un petit passage à vide, je voyais le bout du tunnel, là, ce vendredi. Finalement le tunnel a été rallongé un peu, il faudra attendre encore : je suis inspectée la semaine prochaine...

After a weird beginning of this year, and an episode where I wasn't really cheerful, I was finally seeing the end of the tunnel, on the coming Friday. Well it turns out that the tunnel got a little bit longer than expected : there is an inspector coming into my class next week...

Je suis dans un bon état d'esprit, et je vous retrouve bientôt.

I'm keeping a positive spirit, and I'll be back soon.

2 commentaires:

Lorrie a dit…

Bonne chance! J'espère que tu pourras travailler bientôt dans ton jardin.

Bouts Choisis a dit…

Oh dear! That's certainly not a reason to be cheerful! I hope it all goes well.
I don't know if you can see BBC TV programmes - but there is a new series about restoring the royal kitchen garden at Kew Gardens. It's called "Kew on a plate" and the lovely Raymond Blanc (chef and keen gardener) is planting and cooking delicious ingredients. That might cheer you up if you can find it! Lynne.