campanula medium |
geranium pratense summer skies + rosa The Fairy |
Mes derniers achats / my latest purchase |
Roses trémières / Hollyhocks |
Vipérine et rosier Maréva / Viper's bugloss and Maréva (Appleblossom Flower Carpet) |
The Fairy |
Tanacetum parthenium aureum et rhazia orientalis |
Verbena bonariensis |
Et pour les prochaines photos des mois à venir, j'ai semé toutes sortes de fleurs dans le nouveau massif que voici - et j'y ai aussi installé un dahlia que je croyais mort et qui attendait à la cave avant de rejoindre le compost, mais qui recommençait à germer.
And for the pictures of the upcoming summer months, I sowed all sorts of flowers in this new bed - and I also planted a dahlia that I thought had died and was waiting for its final hour in the compost heap, but had started to sprout.
Bientôt je serai libre, plus que quelques surveillances...
And soon I'll be free, only a couple more supervisions...
2 commentaires:
Your garden is full of beautiful flowers just now. Are some of these the ones that you started from seeds in your basement?
Your garden is looking lovely! I love hollyhocks! I hope you had a fantastic visit to the UK - which gardens did you visit on this trip? Not long until your summer break now ....
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