Me donne mal à la tête - Me fait pleurer, quand je vois l'attitude des politiciens et policiers en Hongrie - Quand je pense à tous ces gens qui fuient l'horreur et la guerre, veulent mettre leurs enfants à l'abri, et qu'on les laisse dormir dehors, massés devant un mur de barbelés ou qu'on les traite comme des animaux.
Gives me headaches. Makes me cry when I see the attitude of Hungarian politicians and policemen. When I think of all these refugees fleeing horror and war, wanting to put their children out of harm's way, and they are left to sleep outside, jammed in front of a barbed wire wall or are treated like animals.
Lire les commentaires des forums, de quelque pays que ce soit, est tout aussi flippant. Stéréotypes, haine raciale, peurs diverses et infondées, relayées par des extrêmes qui voient là l'occasion en or de faire prospérer leur fond de commerce. Remarques de comptoir de bistrot sur "ce qu'il n'y a qu'à faire"... et subitement beaucoup de gens s'intéressent, en paroles au moins, à la misère qu'ils trouvent au coin de leur rue et qui devient tout à coup prioritaire - alors qu'auparavant, beaucoup ne faisaient que critiquer le fait que "ces gens-là", ils reçoivent (insérer selon le cas : les allocations - des avantages que eux, honnêtes travailleurs, n'ont pas - des bons de nourriture de la ville - une aide spécifique...) et pas eux.
Reading comments on any forum from any country is just as disheartening. Stereotypes, racial hatred, various unfounded fears, passed on by extremes too happy to gain new recruits. Remarks you might hear from wine impregnated consumers in bars about "all there is to do"... and all of a sudden lots of people notice and want to tackle, orally at least, the poverty they find at their street corner which is suddenly the priority - when earlier, a lot among them just criticized the fact that "those people" got (choose between : social benefits - advantages they don't get as honest workers - food coupons - any other type of specific help...) and they didn't.
Donc qui que vous soyez, quelle que soit votre origine ou vos opinions politiques par pitié arrêtez de parler et agissons tous ensemble. Choisissez votre misère, votre combat, celui que vous voulez mais faisons quelque chose pour soulager la détresse de ceux qui ont faim et froid, qu'ils soient d'ici ou d'ailleurs. Nous sommes tous des êtres humains.
So whoever you are, whatever your origins or your political opinions, please stop talking and let's just all act together. Pick your misery, your fight, whichever you want but let's all do something to alleviate the distress of those who are cold and hungry, whether they are from here or there. We are all human beings.
The very poor can always
be depended upon. They never turn away the hungry. Time and time
again, all over the United States, have I been refused food by the big
house on the hill: and always have I received food from the little shack
down by the creek or marsh, with its broken windows stuffed with rags
and its tired-faced mother broken with labor. Oh, you charity-mongers!
Go to the poor and learn, for the poor alone are the charitable. They
neither give nor withhold from their excess. They have no excess. They
give, and they withhold never, from what they need for themselves, and
very often from what they cruelly need for themselves. A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog when you are just as hungry as the dog.
by Jack Londonfrom The Road
chapter – Confession
taken from :
2 commentaires:
I can sense the passion behind your words, Carole, and I too am sickened by the hatred and prejudice that is so rampant in our world. Have we forgotten the past? Do we not have compassion for those who hurt? You've written this so beautifully. Thank you.
Very well said, Carole. The world is a sad place at the moment. Lynne.
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