Le moment fort de notre périple a été la traversée de Calais à Douvres. Cela faisait un bail que je n'avais plus été en Angleterre, et pour que les filles apprécient vraiment l'aventure, nous avons pris le ferry. Nous aurions pu être en une heure là-bas, en prenant l'avion, mais nous voulions nous promener en France, en Belgique, faire un petit tour et rencontrer des gens en chemin.
The highlight of our trip was crossing the Channel from Calais to Dover. It had been a while since I hadn't been to England, and we wanted the girls to really enjoy the trip, so we took the ferry. We could have been there within an hour, by plane, but we wanted to meander through France and Belgium, and meet people on the way.

Laure ne s'est jamais laissé démonter et a fait preuve d'un bel appétit.
Elise had been a little apprehensive at first, but she loved the crossing. The weather was beautiful, we spent a long moment on the deck and they had a lot of fun watching the seagulls from very close. Then we settled in the family lounge, after a little detour in the shop of course... Laure always felt very much at ease and had a healthy appetite.

A nice and well deserved walk with Jean, while Elise and Laure are at Paul and Paulina's place - that we managed to find without a GPS in the suburbs of London... it took us a while, but we did it ! (it was a nightmare : the Google directions didn't match the signs, so we drive around the roundabout 3 or 4 times to give us time to think and people honk at us like mad because we're not used to taking them the other way round and we may have driven a little bit more on the outside circle than we should have !)

But all is well that ends well, we find our way, we reach Reading and our hotel and we even had a little time to drive into Wokingham and do some spotting as to the important places for the wedding.
Bien sûr, une petite sortie shopping était de rigueur ! J'ai pris mon Elise sous le bras (ce n'était même pas la peine d'essayer de traîner Jean qui avait besoin de repos après tout ce voyage, et Laure préférait regarder la télé : excellente idée et excellent moyen de se former l'oreille) et nous sommes parties en ville à la recherche de magazines et autres choses à ramener...

Of course, a little shopping was in order ! I took my Elise with me (no need to bother to ask Jean who needed a rest after so much driving, and Laure wanted to watch TV : excellent idea and excellent occasion to train her ear and get used to the English accent) and off we went, looking for magazines and other things to bring back...

And of course we acted as tourists and took touristy pictures :)
Elise n'a pas beaucoup aimé l'Angleterre, de manière générale, surtout la nourriture (elle qui est difficile !) Par contre, Laure était très enthousiaste et a plusieurs fois formulé le souhait de revenir - je lui ai proposé d'y refaire un voyage rien que toutes les deux et elle est d'accord.
Elise said she didn't like England very much, mostly the food (well, she's the picky one !) On the other hand, Laure was very enthusiastic and on several occasions, expressed the wish to come back - so I suggested that we go back, just me and her, and she agreed.
2 commentaires:
Voyager est un bon méthode d'éducation, n'est-ce pas? Je n'ai jamais rendu visite en Angleterre, mais j'ai besoin de le faire dans l'avenir.
Combien d'heures fait-il en ferry?
It is so good to know that you enjoyed your time here. It has been a long time since I travelled to France by the ferry, we usually go by the tunnel nowadays.
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