Eh bien voilà, les vacances d'été ne sont plus qu'un lointain souvenir (même si je n'ai de loin pas fini les posts avec les photos de vacances) et nous voici aux vacances de la Toussaint.
Cette année ça va beaucoup mieux, j'ai un emploi du temps moins gruyère que l'année dernière et j'arrive à concilier la maison et le boulot. Mais j'avais quand même négligé le jardin depuis un moment...
Well, the summer holidays have faded to a distant memory now (even if I am not done with all the pictures) and now it's almost Halloween and All Saints'Day.
This year is going much better, my schedule is not as crappy as last year's and I manage to get things done at home and at school. Well even so the garden had been a little neglected for a while...

Weeds everywhere, reseedings of marigolds and sweet williams that have become a tad invasive... the eye wanders on an untidy surface and doesn't know where to rest, nothing is structured... some random patches have been tended thanks to one or two hours of spare time here and there, but oh big sigh !!!

So one day, out I went, spit into my hands and rolled up my sleeves, my mind set on claiming back the space and the plants that had originally been planted there, but now lost amidst the clutter. So I hoed, I tore out, pruned, shaped, raked and divided. And as for this front patch, it's a lot better. But... it's still not satisfactory. I want space, change, harmony. Yes, that's it, I'll start it all over again, draw a new plan as if from a blank sketch and treat the whole thing as a bare patch if need be.

So I went round the house to take a look... and went down to business immediately. The way up to the entrance was confused - dandelions everywhere on each side of the little wooden border that I don't like anymore. The plants behind it felt squeezed and everything looks cramped and disorganised. The proportions need to be altered and the flowerbed must be enlarged following the little wall from the parking space.

Fortunately I have a lot of spare paving stones. I weed as I go - but I think I'm going to need more dirt, it looks like it's tilting to the right.

I take breaks regularly and go on around the house, touring the garden - the pathways need mowing, the borders can't be seen for the grass and it contributes to the visual confusion. But this perspective here is interesting, I will think long and hard before planting anything in this little triangle end of the flowerbed. The giant comfrey can be seen really well, and it provides the garden with lots of precious nutrition (in the compost, as mulching, or as liquid manure)

After a few minutes' reflexion, I take away the compost "container" : too big, takes too much space, it's too annoying to weed behind it and the weeds know it and take advantage of the situation.
Ca libère beaucoup d'espace et change complètement la perception que j'ai de cet espace. Il y a du potentiel à exploiter, et de la bonne terre maintenant !! En plus une ancienne cage grillagée du lapin sera utilisée pour stocker les déchets compostables. Ce sera plus petit et plus discret.
It frees up a lot of space and completely changes my perception of this spot. A lot of potential to exploit, and really good soil now ! An old meshed cage of the rabbits will be used as the compost "container", it will be smaller and will fit in the landscape more discreetly.

Eh bien soit, je vais dégager la fenêtre de la cave, utiliser la terre en trop ici pour combler ce qui manque de l'autre côté - et le reste sera entreposé sur le terrain libre d'en face (d'autres voisins ont déjà fait ça, et il y a toujours eu quelqu'un pour venir chercher cette terre excédentaire). Ca vaut dire qu'il faudra déplacer quelques végétaux... et transplanter ce beau rosier Castor. J'espère qu'il supportera le choc.
Last but not least, the little hill in front of the terrace. It's difficult to weed... the ground covers I tried to plant were slower than all sorts of weeds, and as it's south facing, the soil is often hard and caked... When it rains everything is lead into the "light well" (the basement window is under the level of the soil) and it goes through the wall under the window, in the basement. But why is this little mound here by the way ? The guy who built the house used it there to save up on truck loads (we had a gigantic heap on our land for years !) but in fact if it could get away and be all flattened out it would look much better ! Well, that's what I'm going to do : dig down to the basement window, bring the earth to the other side where some is missing, and the rest will be just thrown on the free plot of land in front (other neighbours have already done that, and there has always been someone who stopped and took it away). It means I will have to transplant some things like my wonderful Castor rosebush. I hope it will bear it.
Donc, ça veut dire que je travaille sans relâche tous les jours - un peu moins vite maintenant avec toutes les courbatures que j'ai ! Mais je me réveille le matin très tôt (parfois 5h30) et je pense à ce que je vais faire, j'établis une liste et je ne me lève qu'à 8 heures - il fait encore nuit, et froid de toute façon. Surtout aujourd'hui où il pleuvait et où on n'a pas beaucoup vu le soleil.
So it means that I work away everyday - I had to slow down a little because all my muscles ache ! I wake up very early every morning (sometimes 5.30) and I think about what I'm going to do, I make a mental list but get up only at 8 - it's still dark and cold anyway. Today especially, as it was raining and the sun didn't come out too often.
2 commentaires:
et bien dis-donc quel programme!
je rêverais de réorganiser tout le jardin mais d'une part je n'ai pas le temps et d'autre part je pense que je n'ai pas le talent d'un architecte d'extérieur!
mais je vois que tu as plein d'idées, je serai curieuse de revoir ton jardin moi qui l'ai vu en terrain vague ou presque je lui trouve un certain charme dans ce fouillis...
bon courage! et même si tu as des courbatures ça fait du bien de travailler dehors quand il fait moins chaud.
Marie 06
chez nous aussi il a bien plu...enfin! les herbes vont pouvoir s'arracher!
Wow! You are really working hard on your garden. It looks great now and will look even better when you are done.
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