Nous sommes donc rentrés chez nous, nous avons beaucoup dormi, fait une machine, déballé nos affaires, puis le lendemain, direction le village de mes parents, Reipertswiller. Voici une partie du village pris en photo depuis le château de Lichtenberg.
So we went home, slept a lot, did a load of laundry, unpacked our stuff and the next day we drove off to my parents' village : Reipertswiller. This is part of it photographed from the castle of Lichtenberg.
So we went home, slept a lot, did a load of laundry, unpacked our stuff and the next day we drove off to my parents' village : Reipertswiller. This is part of it photographed from the castle of Lichtenberg.

And here they are in the churche of Reipertswiller, which is a historical monument (see here for some pictures of the church and the surroundings), and also the place where my grandmother was baptised, confirmed and wedded, as well as my father and my sister and me (minus the wedding for me).

And then there was food - lots of food... first the apéritif : lovely lovebirds filled with mini sandwiches (among lots of other things)

Most of the people thought that was it, but no, no... just sit down and enjoy the buffet

This was only a little part of it, like a third of the fish dishes - then there was the same for meat, salads, crudités and side dishes...

And just as everybody was thinking that they had had enough and they were about to explode, there came the "pièce montée" (a dessert made from small, round, custard-filled pastries which are held together by caramelized sugar). On top of that my mom had made lots of other pies, lest people should starve. (Oh yes, I forgot to mention that after the cold first courses, there came some warm dishes like meat in sauce and things like that)

People came back the next day for lunch to finish off the leftovers, but in spite of what they ate and all the doggy bags they took with them, there were still tons left !

In spite of the overabundance of food and the days that followed where we tried to bring back our waistlines to a reasonable shape, it was a beautiful wedding and a lovely celebration (and he whose mother was never afraid there shall not be enough food for the guests, cast us the first stone !)
2 commentaires:
It all looks wonderful, I especially like the lacy wrist warmers.
C'est drôle, n'est-ce pas? Les mères pensent le même chose n'importe où.
Quel beau mariage. J'aimais voir les deux célébrations - l'une en Angleterre, l'autre en France. Où est-ce que le couple va habiter?
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