Après le mariage, retour en France pour la suite (deux célébrations c'est mieux !) Nous nous sommes arrêtés à Canterbury en chemin. Une autre occasion de se perdre en sortant de la ville (et retourner vers le Nord et la mauvaise direction), et de faire klaxonner des gens sur les ronds-points...
After the wedding, back to France we went for the rest of the celebrations (it's better to celebrate twice !) So we stopped in Canterbury on the way. Another occasion to get lost while trying to get out of the city (and going to the North which is the wrong way), and to make people honk on roundabouts...
After the wedding, back to France we went for the rest of the celebrations (it's better to celebrate twice !) So we stopped in Canterbury on the way. Another occasion to get lost while trying to get out of the city (and going to the North which is the wrong way), and to make people honk on roundabouts...

Then we have to cross the Channel again, fortunately we had timed our travel very well.

The weather was gorgeous. It never rains when I go to England.
2 commentaires:
So perhaps you should travel here more frequently?
J'ai envie de visiter l'Angleterre - peut-être pendant l'année prochaine. Et bien sur, je désirerai traverser la Manche!
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